The Fernie Free Press called it a crowning achievement for charity and we couldn’t agree more. Every year Sarah LeNeveu, her staff and many wonderful volunteers put on a princess party the likes of which are hard to find outside the magical kingdom and all in the name of a great local charity. Before the doors open little princesses are lining up outside waiting for the royal treatments to begin. Princess hair, nail painting, face painting, sparkle tattoos, princess wands, photo shoots, gourmet snacks and more! Everything is by donation and all of the donations go directly to local charity Friends for Friends Fernie which helps locals and their families who are battling cancer in the Fernie area.
Since opening in February of 2014 the team at Lysh Hair Salon have held four princess parties, charity hot shaves, product sales and various other charity initiatives including Free Christmas Services for those who needed a holiday pick-me-up but couldn’t afford the luxury. Lysh Hair Salon has held four Princess Parties and raised over $9000 for Friends for Friends Fernie since opening in 2014. Keep your eyes peeled for the next great charity event by Lysh!